›Our Services
Our services range from simple building design or consulting to either more advanced architectural or educational implementations. Scroll down for more details.
facade solutions | rooftop solutions | urban agriculture | urban planning enhancers | educational and interiors enhancers | more general architectural services
| Baact. module based solution |

All-in-one facade (Block1)

Conceptually based on greenhouse benefits, this well designed novelty space can bring a second life or an enhanced 2.0 version to your dwelling or building. It also can be embodied in a new construction project. Due to its modularity and its minimalistic approach Block1 can fit to most of buildings’ typologies. And of course we are here to advise you to obtain the best option that suits to you depending on what it’s at stake! Merging the need for a more resilient society, the crave for nature and the ability to say « hey, this vegetable comes from my greenhouse! », while both watching some pollinators and birds flying around and producing some electricity is a game changer, especially if we think that by 2050 68% of the earth’s population will live and work in cities. As mentioned modularity is key, as it helps you design the space you need. Need a break, coffee-break or a relaxing space on your facade for your employees or your inhabitants? No problem, we can merge 2-3 units and make it cosy for that purpose!
All-in-one rooftop (Block1)

Such as the Block1 facade, the rooftop version can be adapted to most of the existing or to be constructed flat roofs. It embodies the three main pillars of the concept: social spaces, biodiversity enhancements and urban agriculture solutions. In short, you can imagine having an additional functional floor to the building. Depending on your objectives, you can customize it in order to get the balance that suits you best. The strength of this structure lies in its ability to smoothly create synergies between its characteristics. The main idea is to create a well designed space in which people can relax and enjoy themselves, for instance while taking a break on a cosy rooftop or spending some time on an urban agriculture project. Our designs will also take rainwater harvesting (collection, storage, reuse), and more generally improving water management into the equation. Furthermore, when it comes to energy in buildings, we do believe thermal insulation needs to be properly thought out and executed, that’s why the building’s envelope needs to meet strict standards. In addition to this, buildings or dwellings should be at least partially self-sufficient when it comes to energy consumption: some photovoltaic and/or thermal panels would help achieve this.
Reduce footprint
Increase livability
Improve biodiversity
Increase building's value
Green rooftops and vertical gardens

Rooftop solutions: Photovoltaics rooftops are already widely implemented and green rooftop are also starting to be used as low-tech heat modulators, carbon dioxide sequestration tools and stormwater buffers. We really do believe these spaces need to be 100% used. If the physics of the building permits it, solutions such as rooftop greenhouses blocks could also be added in order to develop local urban agriculture.
Vertical gardens: Such as rooftops, facades are a part of buildings that should be taken into consideration when it comes to sustainable strategies’ implementations. Vertical gardens or vertical green-facades are not recent designed solutions. Although they firstly were essentially developed and implemented for the sake of architectural’s aesthetics, they are nowadays starting to be used as heat management or thermal insulation tools and urban biodiversity’s enhancers. When bringing such a solution in your project we’ll do our utmost to combine the best of both worlds: aesthetics and efficiency.
Reduce footprint
Improve biodiversity
Increase building's value
Urban agriculture
Models show that by 2050 68% of the world’s population will live and work in cities. To tackle and to reduce our impact on the environment, one of our strategies is to bring some of our needs back and close to where people live. For this purpose, we firmly believe that some of our food needs to be produced on site or not far from where people are. By using empty, unused or newly built sustainable spaces, we can design smart urban agriculture solutions. Your company wants to produce part of its cafeteria-restaurant’s food on site and get your employees involved in the process? You own some buildings or lands with unused spaces (roofs, cellars, green fields, old facades, etc. ) you want to get smart and strategic benefits from? Own a restaurant and want to impress your customer with your fresh 0 km vegetables?
Reduce footprint
Increase livability
Strengthen cities resilience
*Embodied in our BLOCK1 facades and rooftops

Yes we can! In fact depending on the building’s typology and your objectives we can merge different solutions in order to achieve the best possible results.
Urban planning enhancers

Cities need to adapt if they want to sustainably develop, absorb human activities’ impact and heighten both their resilience and livability. For these reasons we aim to provide architectural and urban planning solutions ranging from consulting or case study to advanced projects’s implementations. For instance we can help to reduce heat island effect, to get a better rainstorm management, to re-design and optimize building and construction policies, to sensitize the population, to design social and interactive spaces, you name it.
Reduce footprint
Increase livability
Improve biodiversity
Strengthen cities resilience
Educational and interiors enhancers

Understanding and learning are one of the most important pillar when it comes to sustainability, nature balance, etc. Our experience showed us how important it is to build environments where students and workers can have a better livability, thereby getting an optimization of both time and spaces quality. On this matter, our design and architectural services aim to reduce stress, increase focus and overall well-being by bringing back some nature or nature/life—like elements into learning or working spaces. The so called « biophilic design » has already been tested and implemented in many constructions and spaces. Combined with other solutions amongst ours, these can synergistically work together in order to achieve the best possible results. Since we are also experts in learning science, depending on the project we can design and make educational content to reach your objectives.
Your school needs to refresh a bit its schoolyards or some of their classrooms and want to, not literally of course, kill two birds with one stone implementing sustainable development designs into them? You want to finally use this rooftop or other unused spaces bringing life to an urban agriculture class-project? Or maybe you want to enlarge your school and add some more value to your existing buildings integrating our all-in one facade?
Increase well-being
Increase livability
Reinforce awareness
More general architectural services
Since part of our team is composed of architects we can also offer more standard services such as designing houses, apartments, making renovations, retrofitings and getting net 0 energy dwellings, etc. Please bear in mind our values and policies will steer projects into sustainable directions.